Oasis Academy Don Valley

22 April 2024

Last week, our colleague Shane Higgins, was invited to attend a careers event at Oasis Academy Don Valley. The school is only a few minutes walk from Special Quality Alloys here in Sheffield and we were therefore keen to support this local community event.

The event was organised to provide pupils with information on the industries operating on the school's doorstep and the potential career opportunities within. Shane was amongst representatives from the Police, NHS, forensic scientists, charities, and several other organisations. 

He had some great discussions and was amazed to hear how much the kids knew about Sheffield’s steel past. It's good to know that our industrial heritage is still on the syllabus! One pupil told him about her grandfather arriving in Sheffield from Bangladesh in the 1970s to work in the steelworks.

The school, which opened in 2015, is part of the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park which is an impressive addition to the once-industrial heartland of the city. It now hosts state-of-the-art sports training facilities for elite athletes, universities, and colleges.

An interesting and worthwhile morning that hopefully helped inspire the next generation!


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